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A large cow guards the Schleich booth at Nuremberg 2016.
Anchor Junior stone block puzzles and small building sets at Nuremberg 2015.
Anchor Junior stone block dominoes and X-Men blocks at Nuremberg 2015.
Anchor Stone Brandenburger Tor building set Nuremberg 2015.
Anchor Stone Blocks for building, Junior and Classic start sets, Nuremberg 2015.
nic wooden toys booth at Nuremberg 2015.
Kaethe Kruse dolls and soft toys booth entrance Nuremberg 2015.
Kaethe Kruse dolls and soft toys booth side Nuremberg 2015.
Kaethe Kruse specialty doll clothing display Nuremberg 2015.
Kaethe Kruse booth entrance Nuremberg 2014.
Kaethe Kruse booth doll making Nuremberg 2014.
Kaethe Kruse booth butterflies Nuremberg 2014.
Kaethe Kruse booth wall Nuremberg 2014.